Timothée Chalamet has been chosen as the most handsome man of the year 2023 over Henry Cavill...

Timothée Chalamet has been chosen as the most handsome man of the year 2023 over Henry Cavill…

Timothée Chalamet has been chosen as the most handsome man of the year 2023 over Henry Cavill

In Hollywood there are exaggeratedly attractive men who attract the attention of anyone and that is the reason why they become the biggest heartthrobs in the industry, leaving, without a doubt, a group of people behind who show their great love. More than once we have heard some names of celebrities who are extremely handsome, but few are those who dare to make a list where they say in a determinant way who are the most attractive, but the list would have already been revealed indicating who is the most handsome man of 2023.


Timothée Chalamet has been chosen as the most handsome man of the year 2023 over Henry Cavill

We all have a crush especially if it is about movies, because we must accept that even we have seen bad movies for the simple reason that the actor we like acts there and is that his great attraction is so magnetic that makes thousands of dollars at the box office, which could be one of the main motivations to put the number one of the following list and is that in social networks has generated a great debate indicating that people can not believe who made this list and under what perimeters, because many have shown much disagreement.


As public figures, there are at this moment 2 actors that everyone is talking about because of their great attractiveness and one of them is the famous Henry Cavill, who we saw as the perfect superman and for many years has been the sensation because of his great attractiveness, but despite this, he has been in second place making all the people wonder who could be more handsome than that man, but the answer has generated the indignation of many.

As every year, TC Candler has revealed the list of the most attractive faces of 2023, selecting a list of 100 women and 100 men, which has caused many comments on social networks due to the order and the men they chose to be part of this list. What has attracted the most attention is undoubtedly the comparison between Timothée Chalamet and Henry Cavill, since it seems that they do not believe that the French actor is more handsome than Superman, but the list has indicated so.

What do you think about it? If they were not the top 2, who would you consider as the most handsome man?

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